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Cottage Food Operations and Meringue Powder

Hi!  I am hoping/trying to set up a Cottage Food Operation (CFO) in California for my cookies. I thought I had everything lined up, and have just been told that California doesn't allow meringue powder (or similar) in icing. I have truly cried, it makes me so sad! And I have heard this is not unique to California. It makes absolutely no sense to me that it is allowed in a professional kitchen and not in a home kitchen. Professional kitchen rental is just too expensive for a startup ($400+/mo).

I'm sure that many of you have knowledge of what has been argued/tried before with various state health organizations to try to change this -- I'd love to get your input. Maybe some of you in California can join me in trying to see what we can do to influence this? I mean if one lined up a brownie, muffin, and royal iced cookie, we all know the cookie would last the longest!

Thanks for any input!!

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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