Saturday Spotlight: Top 10 Cookies of the Week
It's that time once again when I settle into my comfy living room couch with a glass of wine and computer in hand and proceed to be astounded by the gorgeous cookies gracing our hot list...
It's that time once again when I settle into my comfy living room couch with a glass of wine and computer in hand and proceed to be astounded by the gorgeous cookies gracing our hot list...
I remember many years ago when my kids were “cute”. We’d walk to school on the first day holding hands, their sweet little cherub faces glowing with the anticipation of a new school year. Now in high school...
In recent weeks, the average temperature here in St. Louis has plummeted from the low 100s (°F) to the mid-80s, and I'm losing no time in declaring that fall is on its way...
Phew! I must say it's a relief to settle into a normal, somewhat more leisurely routine after a week of madly dashing through airports and setting and re-setting for cookie classes...
The inspiration for this challenge was none other than a stroll down to my local beach on the shores of Lake Michigan, where the milkweed is in abundance this time of year and monarch butterflies glide through the warm summer breeze...
Considering the thermostat topped 104°F here in St. Louis today, I probably should have entitled this post, "Top 10 (Dog Days of) Summer Cookies"! Even when it gets this hot outside...
My husband served a couple of years in the Navy as a young man, and what remains of that experience is his love for everything maritime and nautical. Our house is littered with little boats, shells, beach pictures, lighthouses, and so on and so forth...
Hello! I hope you all are enjoying these lazy days of summer (apologies to those of you in the chilly southern hemisphere), and have had some time to rest, relax, and maybe even make a bunch of cookies just for fun...
Wow, maybe I'm just more tuned into the passing of time now that I have monthly stencil announcements to make, but doesn't it just feel like this year is going CRAZY-FAST?! Whoosh - before you know it...
Three-dimensional (3-D) cookie projects are my favorite, but they need to be broken in pieces in order to eat the cookies, and very often I hear "they are too nice to be broken" on top of the usual "they are too nice to be eaten"...
Wowza! What a wonderful collection of cookies topping our site this week! As is often the case, there's no consistent theme among them, other than that each one is gorgeous in its own right...
Seeing as the Fourth of July is just around the corner, it's only logical that we celebrate the top 10 patriotic cookies in this week's Spotlight. But don't be surprised if you see far more than stars and stripes and red, white, and blue on our hot list...
When I used to work in a bakery, I spent most of my days making pastries and pies. It was relatively rare that I was asked to make a wedding cake - thankfully, because I dreaded those occasions...
Hi, all! I’m back this month with another round of our CookieCon 2017 instructor interview series. Today, we’re joined by the talented Teri Lewis of tweets…cookie connection, who, back in March, wowed CookieCon-goers...
If you're still at a loss as to what to get Dad on this Fathers' Day, you're in luck! I've got another dose of top-trending cookie inspiration for you in this week's Spotlight...