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Reply to "Anyone Ever Hired a (Cookie) Photographer?"

Julia M. Usher posted:

P.S. I used to dread taking photos of my work, but also feared not capturing them for posterity. Now that I have a decent camera and some reasonable command over the photo-taking process, I actually really enjoy the photo-taking and welcome it as an escape from some of my other types of work. I hope you end up having the same experience! 

(Replying to both this and your response above, here.)

Thank you so much for the thoughtful advice, especially with regard to camera buying / using / limitations / strengths. I think a decent camera might change this whole situation, to be honest. You put it exactly right -- it might (like design/marketing feels for me now) become a part of the process I enjoy rather than dread. Especially if I have a camera over which I have some control, but can trust to give me baseline good stuff.

Can't wait to read results of photo survey -- reminding myself.

Thank you!
