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"Out-of-Office" Notice for Julia

Hi, all! Just a heads up: I am leaving to teach in Australia on May 7 and will not be returning until May 17. These teaching trips are really intense, and leave me little time to do anything other than teach my day's class and prep for the next one, and then do that all over again - usually four or five days in a row. This trip will be no different; it has me going nonstop. That being said, there will  be no Spotlight again until May 21, and I will have very limited ability to field emails, clean up spam on the site, or do other site-related stuff until I return. I do hope to get @Evelindecora's Cookier Close-up posted this week or next, but that will likely be the extent of my site involvement for the next week and a half.

Have fun posting cookie photos in my absence, be good , and I'll "see" you when I return.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Original Post