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Cookie Pricing

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Cookie Pricing

My live online classes continue next week with one of my most popular classes! 

Now all of my online classes come with coordinating ebooks so you'll have all of the information to refer to later!  (Can't make the class?  You can purchase JUST the ebooks!)

In this 1 hour class, I'll help you get started in your cookie business. I'll talk to you about . . .

* bookkeeping throughout the year easily so that you can evaluate each month to see how you're doing, and at tax time you'll be ready in no time.

* what I use to create professional invoices that will get you paid quickly,

* and most importantly - PRICING. Get ready for a pep talk. You *can* make a decent profit decorating cookies but only if you price well. I have a lot to say on this subject that might involve talk of Hondas and Jaguars and even cheese and guac. It'll all make sense if you join me!

You can do this and actually make money. Really!

$49 per participant.  Pre-registration required at

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