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For Hire

Decorators for Hire

Looking for a cookie decorator in your area to design something special? Or for someone to help you with a large order? Good news - Cookie Connection is at your service!

Just download our Decorator Directory, a list of the members on our site who sell cookies (and have opted into this list). The list is read-only, but you can sort it alphabetically or by city, state/province, or country, depending on your needs. (Note: The list is only available to members, so be sure to join the site before you attempt to download.)

We update this list roughly once a month per member request. If you don't find someone fitting your needs on this list, then there are a couple of other ways to get immediate help, i.e., post a specific request/new topic in this forum or search our member directory here. (P.S. Tips for searching the member directory can be found here.)

If you're a member and interested in being added to this list, read this forum topic for more info.
