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Cookie Pricing - Live Online Class

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Cookie Pricing - Live Online Class

My live, online classes  on Cookies as Business continue next week.  Monday's class is all about pricing - a veeeeery important topic!

All of my online classes come with coordinating ebooks so you'll have all of the information to refer to later!  (Can't make the class?  You can purchase JUST the ebook!)

If you're wishing you were charging more for your cookies, this is the class for you!

In this 1 hour class, I'll briefly go over the pricing ebook, take questions, then give you a quick tour of the bakery.   I'll talk to you about . . .

* bookkeeping throughout the year easily so that you can evaluate each month to see how you're doing, and at tax time you'll be ready in no time.

* what I use to create professional invoices that will get you paid quickly,

* and most importantly - PRICING. Get ready for a pep talk. You *can* make a decent profit decorating cookies but only if you price well. I have a lot to say on this subject that might involve talk of Hondas and Jaguars and even cheese and guac. It'll all make sense if you join me!

You can do this and actually make money. Really!

This class is so much about encouraging you and reminding you of your worth!

I hope you'll join me!

$49 per participant for the class.  (Comes with the ebook.) Pre-registration required at

or $15 for just the ebook.

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Hey I have a question for you . . . I don't do too much of the icing cookies right now. I just do the regular cookies. What are the best info from your ebooks that I can get  . . . . but I'm looking more towards the pricing and the calculation software.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Felicia Nelson posted:
Hey I have a question for you . . . I don't do too much of the icing cookies right now. I just do the regular cookies. What are the best info from your ebooks that I can get  . . . . but I'm looking more towards the pricing and the calculation software.

Hi Felicia.  My ebooks are only about decorated cookies.  I feel that the price for them isn't calculated the same as chocolate chip cookies, for example.  I've heard people use Cake Boss' program for desserts of that nature.


Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Felicia Nelson posted:

Hey I have a question for you . . . I don't do too much of the icing cookies right now. I just do the regular cookies. What are the best info from your ebooks that I can get  . . . . but I'm looking more towards the pricing and the calculation software.

If I may chime in  . . . we have a number of good articles about how to price sweets (and any other food product) on the Cookie Connection blog, as well as a link to a food pricing calculator that one of our contributors has used with success when pricing her decorated cookies and other sweets. (Though most of the pricing calculators I've seen are pretty much the same - just basic math. I created my own when I had my shop.) 

The principles for pricing any food product are basically the same (starting with ensuring you have  a good understanding of your cost basis). Some products (like decorated cookies) just have more labor cost associated with them. Here are some of those links . . . 

Link to pricing calculator:

Link to Cookie Connection article (Part 1, only) about using pricing calculator:

Of course, your pricing will only ever be meaningful/good if your cost inputs are accurate. So you must take care to develop labor standards (i.e., know how much time it takes you to make certain things). Once you've worked up a price from your cost basis, it also makes sense to reality-check it against market pricing to ensure you're reasonably competitive with similar products (assuming those aren't underpriced).

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