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How to Host Cookie Decorating Parties and Classes - Live Online Class

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How to Host Cookie Decorating Parties and Classes - Live Online Class
My online Cookies as Business classes continue next week! And the message in this one feels like one of my missions in life to get across to you all! If you are teaching classes, I want you to get paid fairly for them!!! So many are teaching classes but charging party prices! Let me talk to you about this. You'll be glad of it!
Typically my online classes come with one coordinating Ebook that you will have later to refer back to. This class actually comes with TWO ebooks - one on parties and one on classes! You get the most bang for your buck attending this online class!
If you can't make the class, the ebooks are available for purchase alone. Or you can wait 6 weeks or so when this class will repeat.
During the class, I'll briefly go through the highlights of the ebooks, take questions and give a quick tour of the bakery.
In this 1 hour class and with the ebooks, you'll learn how I host cookie decorating parties and classes. These can easily become a lucrative supplement to taking cookie orders.
I host monthly parties with a max of 17 people at $43 each. That comes to $731 for one party! I teach one-on-one private classes for $225 for one person. Let me show you how I do it.
I'll talk to you about......
* the difference between a party and a class. It's huge! The number of people, what you teach them and how much you get paid - it all depends on whether you're hosting a "party" or a "class".
* how I organize parties and classes,
* the supplies I use.
I'll answer the questions that I'm asked so often....
How many cookies per person?
Do they share icing?
One icing consistency or two and how many colors?
How do they get their cookies home?
How much do you charge?
What supplies do I need?
You'll be ready to host parties and teach private classes!
$49 per participant. Pre-registration required at:
Ebooks alone are $15 each.

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