My live, online classes on Cookies as Business continue next week.
Now all of my online classes come with coordinating ebooks so you'll have all of the information to refer to later! (Can't make the class? You can purchase JUST the ebooks!)
In this 1 hour class, I'll briefly go over the ebook, then take questions.
I'll give you a whole list of things you can do to keep your cookie dough from spreading in the oven.
I've got all of it covered:
* the recipe
* the ingredients
* mixing
* rolling
* cutting
* chilling/freezing
* baking
It all matters and I've got tips for each component.
When I first started making sugar cookies, they spread horribly. They lost their shape and definition. I set out to fix it by running a series of experiments. I haven't had any issues since then. I'll share with you what I learned.
$49 per class.
I hope you'll join me!
More info and to register . . .
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