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Julia on Vacation - No Saturday Spotlights 'Til December 7

Hi, all! Just a heads up. On Saturday morning at the crack of dawn, I head up to Maine to check on my home-away-from-home renovation and to take my first and only vacation of the year. I've promised hubs and every single family member that I will be fully present (read: not distracted by the phone or computer), and that's a promise I intend to keep! 

That being said, I will be checking in here from time to time to make sure all is running smoothly and to post some exciting Black Friday and Cyber Monday stencil sales (!!), but I will not be posting any Saturday Spotlights (or other content) until December 7.

Please be on good behavior while I'm away , and have a GREAT Thanksgiving if you celebrate. 

P.S. I have one last post (hopefully) to get up before I leave, so don't be surprised if you hear from me at least one more time before this Saturday! 

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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