Hi, Cindy/Diva! So nice to learn more about you, and welcome to the site! I hope you continue to love it as you get into it more and more. As for class listings, any classes that members have posted (teachers often post their own classes) can be found on our onsite calendar. Just click on "Calendar" in the main navigation line and then on "Main Calendar" in the upper right above the calendar (or go here: http://cookieconnection.juliau...lendar/main-calendar). The latter option will isolate all of the non-birthday events on the site, and most are private classes. Then just click on any gray boxes on the calendar to pull up class details. We also have several onsite written tutorials, all of which can be found on the blog under various "Tutorial" categories, or you can use the quick link on the "Contributors" page to access all onsite lessons in one area (http://cookieconnection.juliau...hnique-tutorials-all). Happy cookie-ing!