Hi, competitors! The judges and Julia can't wait to see what you created! Julia often says that 90 percent of any competition is getting an entry to the table - in this case, the virtual table! So, congrats on getting this far! Read on for some reminders.
Double-check that you are entering the right category (3-D Cookie) and skill classification (Beginner/Intermediate). Miscategorized entries will not be recategorized by the judges.
Double-check that your entry complies with all of the rules in the Competition Overview on the Cookie Connection blog. Judges reserve the right to disqualify entries that do not comply with any rule.
Have all of the entry materials listed in 3-D Cookie Submission Requirements organized and ready to upload. There is no time limit for uploading here, but you will only have one chance to enter everything before you hit "Publish".
Enter the exact same name, email address, and phone number that you used to register on Eventbrite, so that Julia knows you have paid a registration fee. Entries without paid registration fees will be eliminated.
Make sure you photograph/videotape your entry on a solid single-color backdrop with no additional photo styling or staging. And no digital alterations, apart from minor exposure adjustments.
Video and photos cannot exceed 100 MB each.
Don't worry if you see an empty box after uploading your video (videos take time to fully process here). If you received no errors, it uploaded.
Last, by checking this box, you certify that you (1) have read and abided by all competition rules and (2) authorize Julia to use your photos and video, with proper attribution, to promote future competitions, winners, and finalists.