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Business 101 - Live Online Class

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Business 101 - Live Online Class

Two of my most popular classes are next week!

On Monday - Business 101.

In this 1.5 hour class, I'll help you get started in your cookie business.  I'll talk to you about......
* creative ways to find a commercial kitchen that is affordable (and will actually make you money!),
* ideas to help you set your policies (that will save you headaches later!),
* options on products and services you can offer,
* advice on choosing a business name,
* and much more.

You can do this and actually make money. Really!

If you've looked into commercial kitchens and have been told that they rent for $20 - $30 per hour - have no fear! There are ways to rent that ARE affordable!  I've done it, as have many others (and it isn't paying an hourly fee)!

Monday, April 2nd, 7 pm Eastern

$49 per participant. Pre-registration required at:

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Lu Marshall posted:
I would like to take this on line class but I don’t see where to register and pay


The link to register is at the end of the post above, in pink. Just click on that link and then follow whatever that link says. Please address any further questions to @SugarDotCookies, as she is the author of this post and the one who is running this class. Thank you.

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