Gigi- And does that lower price include a design that's as unique as yours? Techniques as well executed as yours? Cookies that TASTE as good as yours? Etc.... My point is that, two different sets cannot be compared soley on price. And when someone says that they see the same cookies somewhere else, for less - FALSE! Out of the thousands of cookies I've seen over the years, I have yet to come across two exact cookies by two different people/companies. Anyway, maybe the answer is, "Yes" to all of the previous questions. Then great, that person can do all that work for less money. That's their choice. Don't let that influence your decision making for your business. Everyone has their own unique skills, every customer wants something different. Try not to take the business end of things personally. Every time you start to question your pricing, first decide if it's coming from an honest place or out of insecurity. If it's out of insecurity - forget it! Nothing good comes from insecure decisions

. It takes time to build a business/clientele. Figure out what type of cookie business you want (mass production, bakery, wholesale, weddings, online) and work towards that. Each type requires a different approach & different pricing.
Everyone who is trying to build a business, no matter the form, is in the same boat as you, so you're not alone. If you work hard at building a clientele, keep advancing your skill and price your work fair, you will be successful