Thanks for the responses. The cottage law and the California Dept of Public Health only allow "flat" icing (powdered sugar, water), and a "buttercream" sans butter and milk (no joke). I submitted the required food labels (for cookie and icing), and ended up "educated". So if we are a CFO and use Meringue Powder or eggs, our Liability Insurance will not cover us as we are not following the laws.
My understanding is this is true in all states with Cottage Food Laws.
However, I have submitted a request to have MP added in CA, and have offered to bring samples, or whatever would help them allay their fears. We'll see.
The reason I was posting is that I assumed there were a lot of members who run CFO and had run into this, and maybe had already tried getting MP approved.
If you haven't heard this and run a CFO, DO CHECK your local laws, as you could be at risk and not know it I'll keep you posted if we make progress!
Reply to "Cottage Food Operations and Meringue Powder"
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