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Reply to "Cottage Food Operations and Meringue Powder"

DIYDiva posted:

Hi Erica, There is a form you can download to request the state add a product to their approved list.  We are hoping that enough of us do it, they'll take action.  But, in the meantime, I've been looking at alternatives.  I've been told about using Aquafaba (chickpea brine).  It's what vegans use as a substitute for eggs.  I guess the proteins in it act the same as eggs.  People who use it say it works the same.  So I've ordered some off Amazon, but just found out you can just buy a can of the chickpeas and use the liquid. (There are recipes online.) Some people said that they were approved with it.  But, I heard today from someone that they heard there may be issues (although, I cannot imagine what).  Anyway, that's something I'm looking into as a backup.  (I've heard some in my county (Riverside) say they've been approved with meringue and others say not. Just today, though, Erin Criminale (who has replied to this thread), posted on Facebook about cooked RI being approved.  You simply bring the meringue powder and water to a temperature of 155° prior to adding the sugar (per Alameda Health Insp. requirement).  I hope that's true in all counties.  She also posted an article about cooked RI being creamier.  So, it sounds like a win-win.

Hi! Thanks for the reply! I considered trying the aquafaba but I thought someone mentioned they were denied because it’s not on the approved list, but I’ll definitely look into it. I’ll look into the RI also. I’m a newbie and feel like I’m finally comfortable with my recipe and it’s driving me mad that I can’t use it lol. I’m going to look at the article posted on FB. Thank you for the info
