Also, if you are going to try and clean the print head like I told you, make sure it's COMPLETELY dry before replacing in the printer (I am pretty sure they said for 24 hours)
Originally Posted by TheTailoredCookie:
Your clogged print head could have been unclogged (I found this one out the hard way) by removing the print head from the printer and submerging it in rubbing alcohol over night, then running each color entry point on the print head under warm water until all of the colors came out of the appropriate places...customer service informed me of this AFTER I ordered 6 new cartridges AND the cartridge cleaner. After I complained to them about not telling me this first, the guy shipped me a brand new print head (which I still have in the packaging) in case if what he told me to do did not work -- which it did.
Edible printers are such a head ache some times!! Sorry that you had to purchase a whole new one...but if it clogs again, you'll know what to do. 

Originally Posted by Sheila/Pixie's Treats:
I have the same printer as well - actually my second one. I couldn't get anything to print in any color except a shade of blue green. I tried everything, changing settings, new inks but in the end it was the printer head that holds the cartridges. I had someone look at it and they said it was not fixable so I ordered another printer. You can see from the pictures that what I was trying to print was in shades of gray blue but I kept getting greens. I had already baked the cookies so I had to go with what I could print.