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Go Fund Me to help Cookie Volunteer

Dear fellow cookiers, for the first time in Brazil we are going to have a big fair that treats decorated cookies the same level as cakes. I've worked very hard this past year for the Cookie Pavillion to happen during the Expo Cakes Brazil, a very important fair in the state of São Paulo in May.  We will need a volunteer to help me and the vice-president of the Brazilian Society of Cookie Artists during 5 days. We will need help raising the funds to help our volunteer duting the fair. Bellow is the link for the GoFund Me campain. I would be forever gratefull if you would help me raise the money necessary to pay for our volunteer Luciana.


I'd really appreciate it if you would share or donate to this GoFundMe.

*Help Volunteer Luciana Get to Her Place of work.*

Hello, my name is Regina Cruzetta and I am representing Elke Hoelzle the presidente of non-profit Brazilian Society of Cookie Artists. ( Sociedade B…

Read more here

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Images (3)
  • Luciana Peace: Our volunteer for the 5 days of the fair. Sehe Will Come from the state of Mato Grosso do Sul and don'thave the financial means to pay for the trip..
  • Cookie Pavillion: Footprint of the Cookie Pavilion
  • Expo Cakes Brasil: Some of the banner of the big event called Expo Cakes Brasil
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