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Reply to "Heat Gun Recommendations?"

@LisaF posted:

Wait. I just read this. I have a dehydrator with a rear fan and 5 trays. (LEM brand). I’m still trying to figure out the best way to use it. Are you saying that you do not slide the tray in when using? Apologies if I’m just colossally confused here.

Yes, I actually take the door off mine and place my cookies on a tray about 12 inches in front of the dehydrator so the fan blows over them at a greater distance. I've had rippling and cracking of the icing at times when placed inside. People do this differently though, so you'll want to experiment and do what works best for you. Obviously, if you can load more into trays inside the dehydrator, it's more efficient, but I am not doing many cookies at a time and don't want to risk damaging the icing.
