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How Long to Store Fresh Icing

I have spent a vast amount of time on the net, and also asked people personally, about how long icing stays fresh. The answers are everything between "a couple of days in the fridge" to "several weeks at room temperature". Which leaves me very confused - and still in lack for an answer.


Surely it depends on the recipe used, e.g. with fresh egg whites it seems to make sense to only store it a very short time and also chill it. Egg whites are a pretty sensitive ingredient after all. If powdered egg whites / meringue powder are used, and best also distilled water, what could possibly turn bad about it? Sugar is one of the oldest methods of making food long lasting after all. But still, several weeks without chilling? To be honest, I would have a weird feeling about this.


I personally store my icing (with powdered egg whites and boiled water) in an airtight container and keep it in the fridge for a max of two weeks. Twice a month is tabula rasa time and all left over icing goes to the bin.


How long and where do you store your icing? Is there any scientific rule, anything proven, or is it just something decided by feel rather than rationality?

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Original Post