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Reply to "How to Keep Track of All of the Great Clips and Cookiers on Site"

Thank you @Julia M. Usher, the Advanced Search function -- I had not noticed that yet!

Your pics helped too -- I did not know what the "bell" icon was for as I did not notice any alternate text pop up when the mouse hovered over it.  It looks like the "bell" in its various forms means "alerts" (you have to click on it to find out, though), so I guess that can be translated into "follow".

One more thing I just learned about the site is that the blue menu bar you have in your pic above disappears and changes to a left-hand pop-out slider when the width of the web browser window is reduced past a certain point.

All wonderful little things to help make the best of this much-appreciated Cookie Connection platform!


Images (1)
  • MustClickStackAtTopLHcornerToOpenMenuBar: Another way to get to the Menu Bar