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Julia on the "Eat the Evidence" Podcast

Eat the Evidence

Hi, all! I had an awesome time live-chatting with Shannon Orr for the Eat the Evidence podcast at the Oklahoma State Sugar Art Show a few weeks ago. You can listen to that chat - which touches on everything from judging at the show to teaching international classes and my airbrush launch - here, starting around 1:03:00 (close to the end of the podcast). I also highly recommend that you listen from the start, because podcast host Kim Chapman interviews Michelle Green of The Business of Baking, and they cover a lot of very important business terrain, as well as just generally have a good time. And, while I'm at it, I highly recommend that you follow the podcast. It's really well done!

Enjoy! Here's the link again.


Images (1)
  • Eat the Evidence Logo: Logo Courtesy of Eat the Evidence
Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Original Post