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Paint Your Own Cookie Troubleshooting

Hi all! I’m playing around with PYO cookies for the first time and was wondering if anyone had some tips to share. I made some the other day that I let my kids test out for me. They looked great and the kids had fun with them, but the painted colors were pretty light on my 5 year old’s masterpiece. And my 2 year old just completely dissolved the stenciled image and ended up with a gray cookie 😂. I know it’s kind of the “nature of the beast” for water to dissolve the stenciled image when it’s done in royal icing...but thought I’d see if anyone had any tips and tricks that have made a sturdier outline to color and/or have made colors that paint brighter when kids use them?

For background...I used a stencil with black royal icing for the outlines image. And for the “paint palette” I used airbrush colors painted onto a cookie stick that had been flooded in white the day before...

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