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Royal Icing Recipe Ingredient Help in New Zealand

Hi there,


I'm from New Zealand and I want to make royal icing that doesn't contain just raw egg whites.  Are there any other NZers out there who can share their recipes or what they have done to work around this?


I live in Wellington, I've looked down at the local supermarkets and couldn't find powered egg whites or liquid ones. I definitely didn't see meringue powder, I've never even heard of it to be honest!


I know you can get meringue powder from online suppliers, at a pretty hefty cost!!  Has anyone seen powdered egg whites at Countdown or New World, etc.?Liquid egg whites would also work I guess, as they are pasturised. However, I imagine powdered egg whites might last longer in the pantry than a giant box of tens of egg whites (can it be frozen I wonder)? 


Any help would be appreciated.   Thank you.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Original Post