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Reply to "Royal Icing That Is Soft"

Hi Kimberlie, I am as they say a nibbler (I read a great deal, but am reluctant to post). I have been in the cookie world for a number of years now, and my preference is also a "soft bite" icing (and cookie for that matter).  I have used a version of a Meringue Powder Butter Cream/Royal for about 10 years now - the result is a soft texture, but one that does dry firmly enough to package, stack, etc. and if you use a "very thick" consistency can make embellishments (flowers etc) with the icing.

Though I tried adding glycerine at one point, and then corn syrup as is often used to soften the bite of royal icing, my go to is simply to add Crisco- thus the "buttercream" part of the MPBC (My family of critics approved).  

Depending on your environment (humidity mainly- I live in south Louisiana) you may have to experiment with just how much is needed. You will also need some additional drying time so be patient.

I'm not sure if I should actually include a recipe here, but if you message me I'd be glad to share.
