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Reply to "Royal Icing That Is Soft"

Hi Kimberlie, I am as they say a nibbler (I read a great deal, but am reluctant to post). I have been in the cookie world for a number of years now, and my preference is also a "soft bite" icing (and cookie for that matter).  I have used a version of a Meringue Powder Butter Cream/Royal for about 10 years now - the result is a soft texture, but one that does dry firmly enough to package, stack, etc. and if you use a "very thick" consistency can make embellishments (flowers etc) with the icing.

Though I tried adding glycerine at one point, and then corn syrup as is often used to soften the bite of royal icing, my go to is simply to add Crisco- thus the "buttercream" part of the MPBC (My family of critics approved).  

Depending on your environment (humidity mainly- I live in south Louisiana) you may have to experiment with just how much is needed. You will also need some additional drying time so be patient.

I'm not sure if I should actually include a recipe here, but if you message me I'd be glad to share.

Thanks for this great advice! Also, if you want to include an original recipe of yours here, that's more than fine. If it's someone else's recipe that you use, then for copyright reasons, you should just link to an online version of it here. And credit that person here near the link. Thanks again!
