Hi Julia! I didn't mist the wafer paper. I experimented with piping gel, corn syrup, and alcohol. It didn't lay down with piping gel or the corn syrup. It didn't curl with a dab of water or with a dab of alcohol. I almost got it cut with a cookie cutter but it didn't go clean through. I dabbed a little water on it and it still didn't cut - lol. I used decorative scissors to cut the paper but I didn't moisten it first. I experimented anyway... I have pics of what my paper looks like, smooth side and rough side. It looks spotty and shaded but not all over.
I have not tried misting.
This is my first/second - maybe third - attempt with this paper. lol My first attempt was trying to make roses (sweetambs) and it was a disaster. Sorry for the loading but I wanted you to see.
Yes, that's standard looking wafer paper. Not sure what you're trying to do, but misting and moistening the paper is really only done when you want to shape it without it breaking - like into flowers. If you want to apply it perfectly flat (as it looks like from the photos), it will stick down on iced cookies with no misting using a bit of corn syrup as glue, as long as you don't use too much corn syrup. When you over-apply anything wet to the wafer paper, it tends to curl and stick less well. The paper should be barely tacky, and then you may need to run your fingers over the cut edges (repeatedly) as it's drying to make sure it stays stuck. Wafer paper likes to curl up at the edges a lot. Also, don't pipe wet icing on top of it until you're sure it's completely stuck, as this can also cause edges to lift as they've done in your photos.
If you have more question about handling wafer paper, Dona, please start a new thread. As this topic is really about rubber-stamping on it.