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Say Hello to Our August Site Artist

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Hi, all! I realize I'm a few days early with this post, but I'll be leaving town in the next two days, and I wanted to make sure the site art was refreshed before I left. Please enjoy!]

The changing of the months and seasons is always fun when marked by stunning cookies! And I must say, this month's featured cookies by Miki Shibasaki of @Miki@Atelier Detour are real stunners. From the nautical color scheme and the flawless icing to the exacting arrangement of elements in the backdrop, this set is sheer summery perfection. Thank you, Miki, for this wonderful contribution to the site! It makes even me, typically a non-beachgoer, yearn to feel the warm sand slipping between my toes! 

August 2017 Banner - Miki Bannersitesubmissions1

As always, we'll be conducting an in-depth Cookier Close-up interview with Miki later in August. In the meantime, please get to know her better by reading her bio below and checking out her lovely portfolio here on Cookie Connection.


Miki Shibasaki was born in Japan and currently lives in Chiba, near Tokyo, with her husband and high school-age daughter, who loves to make decorated cookies with her. Ever since she was young, Miki has enjoyed making handmade things. In addition to decorating cookies, Miki also makes clothes for her daughter and teaches cartonnage* and cookie decorating.

Miki's journey in cookie decorating began about three years ago when her daughter became a junior high school student, and Miki suddenly found she had more time to spend on her hobbies. While surfing the internet for interesting online lessons, she came across a "very cute" decorated cookie website. Miki was surprised to learn that one could make and eat such cute cookies, and immediately signed up for decorating lessons. Not long after, Miki began making her own original cookie designs as presents, because, as she says, "iced cookies are fun to make and very delicious, and everyone becomes happy when you give them as a present. I love seeing my friends smile when I give them iced cookies!" 

After just one year of studying cookie decorating and practicing on her own, Miki began teaching her cookie methods to friends, and has since evolved into teaching aspiring decorators at her house and in shopping malls. In June 2015, Miki's teacher, @mintlemonade (cookie crumbs), who she greatly admires, told Miki about Cookie Connection. Since then, Miki has enjoyed sharing her cookies here and seeing many beautiful and inspiring cookies from all over the world! To learn more about Miki and her cookie work, please visit her blog and her Instagram page.

*[EDITOR'S NOTE: Not familiar with the word "cartonnage", I googled it and found the following definition on wikipedia: "Cartonnage is a type of material used in Ancient Egyptian funerary masks."  "Reaaalllly, Miki?!!", I thought. My curiosity now piqued by this quirky craft, I quizzed Miki about it, and she quickly set the record straight, "I don't wrap mummies! LOL!" Turns out "cartonnage", originally a French handcraft, refers to boxes made with hard paper (carton material) and fabric.  It also turns out that Miki's boxes are as beautiful as her cookies, as you can see below.]


Cookie, box, and photo credits: Miki@Atelier Detour

Huge thanks again to Miki for taking the time to make cookie art for our site - without such contributions, our site wouldn't look nearly as beautiful as it does!


* Heads-up! September and December are fast approaching, and will be here before we know it. But, alas, I still have empty holes for those months' site artwork. If you would like your own cookie art to be considered for use on the site, I would love to see it at any time. Guidelines for submitting cookie art can be found here. Thanks!


Images (5)
  • Miki's August 2017 Banner: Cookies and Photo by Miki@Atelier Detour
  • Miki's August 2017 Background: Cookies and Photo by Miki@Atelier Detour
  • Miki Shibasaki: Photo Courtesy of Miki@Atelier Detour
  • Miki's Cartonnage - Closed: Boxes and Photo by Miki@Atelier Detour
  • Miki's Cartonnage - Open: Boxes and Photo by Miki@Atelier Detour
Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Original Post