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Upcoming October Classes with Julia (Me!) in Japan

Hi, all. Just a quick note to say that my upcoming courses in Japan recently went on sale, and there are still a few places left. I'd love to see those of you I've come to know here in person , so here's the basic info. I am doing two types of classes in two places: both Kobe and Tokyo. The first one is a one-day fundamentals class and the other is a two-day more advanced class covering 3-D techniques. (See pictures of the projects below.)

And here are the dates:

October 17: One-Day Fundamentals Class in/near Kobe
October 18/19: Two-Day Advanced Class in/near Kobe
October 22: One-Day Fundamentals Class in/near Tokyo
October 23/24: Two-Day Advanced Class in/near Tokyo

For all of the class times (which vary by location), pricing, and other details, please contact my lovely host Keiko Campbell of Sugar Sugar at or visit her website here. Thanks, and I can't wait to meet you there. Japan is one of my favorite places in the world!

Fundamentals Class Projects:
Trio for Fundamentals

Advanced Class Projects:
Duo for Advanced


Images (2)
  • Trio of Cookies for Fundamentals Classes: Cookies and Photos by Julia M Usher
  • Cookie Projects for Advanced Classes: Cookies and Photos by Julia M Usher
Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Original Post