Julia, I love your tutorials on using cones. Found it the first month I started playing with cookie decorating. (Last Christmas). I can make those cones all day long, no problem. However, I have trouble using them. The more I use them whilst decorating a batch of cookies, the bigger the hole seems to grow, and I make a terrible mess. So far, after about a batch of cookies a week (which I know isn't much to most of you), I've found that I really like the plastic wrap in the pastry bag method. It loads quickly, I make little to no mess, I can easily wash and use the plastic pastry bags over and over again, and I can just rewrap leftover icing (I don't usually have very much) and toss it in the freezer. I have learned thay my hands aren't as steady as they were when I was younger, and I'm still trying to find a way to compensate, but the DH, grandkids and great-grandkids could care less. They just like to eat cookies!
Oops! Sorry, didn't realize how old this thread was.......