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Instagram Basics - Live Online Class

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Instagram Basics - Live Online Class

My online Cookies as Business classes continue next week with a brand new one!

Instagram is where it's at! If you have a small business, Instagram is the best social media platform out there for you. I ignored my Instagram account for years before realizing its potential. Since then, I've been studying how it works and have been using it purposefully, with intention. My follower count has soared. I'm reaching my target market, turning them into paying customers. You can do it too!

I’ve spoken to many cookie ladies that don’t understand the first thing about Instagram. What is a post? How do you create one? Stories? Hashtags? Tagging? Stats? Videos? What does it all mean?

Let me break down the very basics so that you can start participating and gaining customers. 

We’ll meet in an online classroom. You’ll be able to see me, other students AND MY IPHONE as I actually create a post and a story as I'm talking to you. I’ll SHOW you just what to do!

Unlike most of my online classes – this one DOES NOT COME WITH AN EBOOK. So take notes during the class!     

Tuesday, November 5th, 7 - 8 pm EASTERN

This class repeats approximately every six weeks. Once a class is held, the next date will be added here.

Already familiar with the instagram basics OR once you’ve attended this class, you’ll want to attend the next one – Instagram Top Tips #2.  Nov 12th.

Pre-registration is required for all online classes. I hope you'll join me!

$35 per person for each Instgram class.

$49 per person for other online classes that come with ebooks.

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Nikki Carriere posted:

Sorry - but it's unclear to me how much the class costs. Is that $35.00 or $49.00 - thank you.

Hi Nikki.  This class is $35 because it doesn't come with an ebook.  My other classes that do come with ebooks are $49.  Sorry it wasn't clear!


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