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Reply to "New to Royal Icing..."

Hi, @Julredw17, As Econlady said, you should try "royal icing". The recipe you are using has no egg whites in it, and, thus, is not royal icing, but "confectioner's icing", or what some people call "glaze". It takes longer to dry and doesn't typically set as firm as royal icing; it also spreads more. Depending on the quantity of liquid in the recipe you're using, it can also spread quite a lot and look very sheer, as you seem to be experiencing. I have a royal icing video on my YouTube channel that you might want to check out - in addition to explaining differences between these types of icings, it provides my recipe and talks about substitutions for using raw eggs (such as meringue powder and pasteurized whites) to guard against salmonella. Hope this helps.
