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Next Live Chat in Our CookieCon 2018 Speakers Series - August 11!

Woo hoo! After a little break from chatting in July, we've got a busy, all-star lineup in August! On August 11, we continue our CookieCon 2018 Speakers Series with CookieCon instructor and The Cookie Countess owner, Hillary Ramos!


We'll naturally talk to Hillary about cookie stencils and stenciling (the focus of her business), but any other cookie questions are also fair game. To join Hillary's chat at the appointed time, just click on this link. Or, if you can't make the chat, no worries! You can enter advance questions at any time, just by clicking on the same link and following the instructions at the top of Hillary's chat room. We'll be sure to answer every question, whether it comes to us live or beforehand!

To prep for the chat, it always helps to get to know our featured guest a bit better! To that end, please check out Hillary's impressive bio below and explore her website and various social media links, also below. I look forward to "seeing" you at the chat!

HillaryRamosCROPPEDHillary Ramos decorated her first cookie in January 2011, for her son's second birthday. Little did she know she would become The Cookie Countess, and cookie decorating would turn into a new passion and career path for her and her family. After being a hobby decorator turned cookie order-taker, Hillary began experimenting with stenciling her cookies, and quickly decided to design and sell her own stencils. Starting with only a few designs, The Cookie Countess has since grown to over 800 stencil designs. The Cookie Countess has also expanded into custom-made products, such as its new Precision Rolling Pin, and into much-loved supplies, including cookie cutters, airbrush machines, colorings, and storage solutions for all those fabulous stencils. In 2015, Hillary's husband Jon joined the cookie fun and has helped grow their business to a one-stop shop for cookie decorators. You can visit Hillary's store at, and follow her on Instagram and Facebook for cookie tutorials and inspiration.

Photo and cookie credits: Hillary Ramos

Again, click here to visit Hillary's chat room at any time.

Please also mark your calendars for another live chat on August 25 (10 am CT), which will be announced very soon!


Images (2)
  • Live Chat Banner for The Cookie Countess: Logo, Cookies, and Photo by The Cookie Countess; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • Hillary Ramos: Photo by The Cookie Countess
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