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Reply to "Thank You and YouTube Hijacking Update"

Kanch J posted:

I am so happy to hear this dear Julia! finally your wonderful channel has restored. Many thanks to dear Sonja for all your support. 💜️💜️💜️

Oh, the channel isn't restored yet. It's just backed up, meaning the videos on it have all been downloaded to external drives (which is HUGE in and of itself, for sure). But the channel itself remains hijacked, and I am still working with YouTube to restore its ownership to me. The latter is the preferred course, because, if I can recover it with the videos already uploaded (with accumulated views on them) and most of my previous subscribers intact, I won't have the work of having to rebuild the channel from scratch. But, the backed up files are now mostly there, so if I HAD to rebuild in the worst case scenario, I could. 
