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Reply to "Which Do You Prefer, Wafer Paper or Frosting Sheets?"

Edible Canvas Creations - the number/qty/types of edible papers can be mind-boggling. I tried to demystify some of the differences/similarities in an Edible Papers 101 video that I just released to YouTube (below). In it, I talk about the different compositions and handling characteristics of wafer paper and frosting sheets, and the range of handling characteristics that you're likely to see even within frosting sheets. "Wafer paper," or at least the only type I've ever used, is made with potato not rice starch, whereas the starch in frosting sheets is usually either corn or tapioca. Frosting sheets - as a result of their composition - are more pliable and often, but not always, more opaque and heavy, but there are some pretty flimsy frosting sheets out there too. Anyway, I don't claim to do an exhaustive treatment of all edible papers in this video (I'm sure I've missed some), but it covers 90% of the terrain with which I'm familiar. Maybe it will help clarify some of the differences:
