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Great job, but another photo posting reminder: please tag your images. All the reasons why and how to can be found here:  http://cookieconnection.juliau...READ-BEFORE-YOU-POST


I just want your lovely cookies to be found. Plus, it saves me and moderators a TON of time when people fully classify their own images!  Thanks so much!


If you have any questions about how to do this, please send me a Dialog message and I will be happy to assist.

Originally Posted by Elizabeth@Güdbytes:
The Julia, on a mobile device. Will tag photos when I get to my computer.

OK. Unfortunately, moderators/I have no way of knowing who uploaded on a mobile device, and I sweep the entire day's worth of images clean (tag/classify if needed) at the end of each day. Many people are not tagging or classifying even on regular devices, and if we don't do this each day, the classifications on the site will make little sense and it will be impossible for us to stay on top of the cleanup. We can't always remember who we've reminded before either. So that all said, until my site hosts decide to allow admins like me to make these features (tagging/adding clip sets) mandatory, you may continue to get these reminders from me depending on when you post vs. when we sweep the site clean. There's simply too much activity on the site for me to keep track of who I've reminded and who might or might not tag their own photos at some point. If I remind you before you've tagged, you can also assume that we've tagged for you in the cleanup process.


Just explaining why you may be continuing to see messages from me. Thanks.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
No worries :-) just wanted to let you know I didn't forget.
I did figure out if I toggle back and forth between mobile mode and desktop mode on my phone I can upload and tag. Just always have to go back and do it. Thx for the reminder. ♡♡

Yes, I thought the standard view would allow for tagging. Best to do it then/that way then; otherwise you may get more reminders from me if there's a time lapse between when you tag and when I clean. Thanks for being so diligent about this! REALLY appreciated! 

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