In preparation for our next Toolbox Talk, all about food coloring, Liesbet and I would like to better understand the types and brands of food coloring used for different cookie decorating tasks (i.e., tinting icing vs. painting) and why, and if there are any geographical differences in these preferences. As with our recent meringue powder survey, these results will fuel the building of a broader Cookie Connection database designed to understand usage of a wide variety of decorating products.
This survey is divided into three parts (one about colorings used in icing, another about colorings used for painting on cookies, and another one with three quick demographic questions). But the survey is short (only 17 questions) and goes quite fast (5 minutes or less)! So please give it a go!
Thanks in advance for participating!
(1) Fill-in-the-blank questions are hard to construct here, as the site's new survey software only allows for multiple choice. For the fill-in-the-blank questions below (Questions 6 and 8), please hit the "Other" option and then write your response in the box that appears. Responses are limited to 255 characters.
(2) Likewise, if you select any "Other" options in multiple choice questions, please also specify what that "Other" is in the box that appears.
(3) If a question does not apply to you, DO NOT skip it; instead, select the "N/A (not applicable)" option.