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Sugar Dot Surveys: Social Media for Cookiers


Welcome to Sugar Dot Surveys! Every other month or so, I post a survey to gather your input on a specific cookie or business topic. Once the survey ends, I compile the results and write a summary post here on Cookie Connection. (You can read my previous surveys and recaps here.)

There's so much that we can learn from each other!

Let's talk about social media. The impact that social media can have on a business is huge. Are you working it hard? Are you seeing results? Or are you just dipping in your toes? Let's find out how cookiers are using social media and see if we can gain some tips.

Please share this survey with your cookie friends so that we can get input from as many cookiers as possible! I plan to start compiling results on December 13, 2019, so be sure to answer this survey before then.

(1) Open-ended (aka fill-in-the-blank or "Other") responses below are limited to 255 characters. If you run out of space on any question, feel free to elaborate in the comments area under this survey, but please identify the question (by number) to which you're responding.
(2) Unfortunately, our survey software will not allow you to skip questions. You must answer every one, or the system won't accept any of your responses. Choose the answer that best fits. Thanks!

Let's get started!

ADDENDUM (January 9, 2020):  Read the recap article summarizing these survey results here.

Q1. What is your cookie status?

Note: If you make cookies for fun and give them away, you are a hobbyist. If you take money for cookies or any cookie-related activity (i.e., teaching, products, sponsorships, instructional videos, etc.), you are a professional.

Q2. How long have you been participating in cookies in the capacity you indicated in Q1?

Note: In other words, if you selected "hobbyist", then how long have you been a hobbyist? If you selected "professional", how long have you been a pro?

Q3. Do you have business accounts on social media?

Note: A “business account” is one that bears your business name and is primarily devoted to promoting your cookies or cookie-related activities (i.e., teaching, selling products, etc.). A “personal account” bears your real name and is primarily devoted to personal posts, but may also be a place where you promote your cookie work.

Q4. What social media accounts, personal or business, do you HAVE to post about cookies?

Note: Select all that apply. If you choose "Other", please write in the name of that other platform.

Q5. Which platforms do you actually USE on a REGULAR basis to post about cookies, for EITHER COOKIE BUSINESS or PERSONAL purposes?

Notes: "Regular" is defined as weekly or more frequently. Please check all that apply. 

Q6. With what frequency, on average, do you post ABOUT COOKIES to ALL of your social media platforms, for BOTH COOKIE BUSINESS and PERSONAL purposes?

Notes: Choose the response that BEST describes your average practice over the year. "Post" means to actively initiate a new cookie-related post, not to respond to comments on an existing post of yours or on others' posts. Also, do not count repeat posts of the same content to different platforms.

Q7. How do you feel about the frequency that you're posting ABOUT COOKIES to social media?

Note: Choose the one description that best applies.

Q8. What is your estimated DAILY screen time devoted to YOUR COOKIE-RELATED social media, for BOTH COOKIE BUSINESS and PERSONAL purposes?

Notes: Choose the response that BEST describes your average daily practice over the year. Do NOT include screen time related to viewing or responding to others' social media posts. But DO INCLUDE time spent on YOUR cookie-related social media posts (including time spent prepping photos or other content linked to in those posts), responding to comments on your posts, AND managing your social media accounts (updating settings, reorganizing content, etc.).

Q9. What is your favorite social media platform for posting about cookies?

Q10. Why is the platform you mentioned in Q9 your favorite one for posting about cookies?

Note: Write "N/A" if, in Q9, you said you do not have a favorite platform.

Q11. What is your LEAST favorite social media platform for posting about cookies?

Q12. Why is the platform you mentioned in Q11 your LEAST favorite one for posting about cookies?

Note: Write "N/A" if, in Q11, you said you do not have a least favorite platform.

Q13. On which of the following social media platforms have you DIRECTLY MONETIZED your content?

Note: "Directly monetized" relates to revenue earned through ads placed by others on your content or through paid/sponsored posts that you do for others. It does NOT include revenue you might later earn from selling your cookies or your cookie-related products or services.

Q14. Typically, when you post about cookies, do you add the same (or similar) content across more than one platform, i.e., cross-post?

Note: In other words, when you post to Instagram, do you add the same (or similar) content to Facebook at the same time? Or when you post a video to YouTube, do you also post about it on other platforms? Check the one response that best applies.

Q15. How do you feel about adding personal content on your cookie BUSINESS social media pages?

Note: Choose the one description that best applies.

Q16. Which statement(s) best characterize the TYPE of COOKIE CONTENT you most often (or prefer to) post to social media?

Note: Please select ONLY your top three, OR FEWER. If you choose "Other", please write in the other type of content that you most often (prefer to) post.

Q17. How do you feel the TYPE OF CONTENT you most often (or prefer to) post is working for you? Is it generating the response and results you want from your social media? Please explain.

Q18. How successful do you feel you have been with the size and growth of your social media following (on your cookie-related accounts)?

Note: Choose the one description that best applies.

Q19. Which category best characterizes your TOTAL following on all of your cookie-related social media accounts?

Note: Again, "total following" is the total number of followers (or fans or subscribers) you have across all of your social media accounts that you use to post about cookies OR cookie-related products or services. An estimate is fine!

Q20. How do you feel about the amount of EFFORT AND TIME you expend on cookie-related social media versus the VALUE or BENEFITS you get from it?

Note: Choose the one description that best applies.

Q21. How do YOU define success in your cookie-related social media activity?

Note: Please check ONLY your top three measures of success. If you select "Other", please write in that other measure.

Q22. If your social media is meeting or exceeding your measures of success stated in Q21, why do you think that is? What particular strategies or actions have you taken to make it successful for you?

Note: Write "N/A" if your social media is NOT as successful as you want or need it to be.

Q23. If your social media isn't as successful as you want, why is that? What do you think is holding you back, or what hurdles are you facing?

Note: Write "N/A" if your social media is as successful as you want or need it to be.

Q24. What social media tip(s), if any, would you like to share with Cookie Connection members to help them be more successful with their social media?

Q25. Do you have a social media screenshot that you would be willing to share with us?

Note: Dotty would love photos to go with the recap of this survey! Take a screenshot of something on one of your social media pages. It could be your most-liked photo, or your number of followers, or your insights, or a meaningful comment left for you. Please don't just send a photo that is ON your social media. Please send your screenshot to Dotty through a private message here on Cookie Connection. Let Dotty know: (1) the screenshot description, (2) your first and last name, (3) your business name, if applicable, and (4) the link to your social media site. (If it's a personal account, it must be public for us to view it.) Thanks!

To send a screenshot, just click on "Dotty" above in pink. That will take you to her Cookie Connection profile. From there, you can send a private message.

This is a transparent survey.
Posted by SugarDotCookies ·
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