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New Guest Series Tutorial Bundle on Julia's Site

Great news, Cookie Connection members! I've released a new online tutorial bundle for you, with the help of some of the amazing guest artists in our Watch-Learn-Create challenge series!

Originally filmed for this series, the four tutorials in this bundle represent a timeless set of techniques that every cookie decorator needs in his/her cookie decorating repertoire! Each lesson is taught by a cookie decorating icon who is known the world over for being an expert in her demonstrated technique. What’s more, these tutorials are moderated by Cookie Connection challenge host @Manu biscotti decorati who asks all the right questions of the guests at just the right times. Clocking in at a combined five-plus hours of glorious instruction, this bundle can be watched at your leisure whenever and as frequently as you want, all in the comfort of your own home. It's also 20% off the combined list price of the individual tutorials! How great is that?! 😀


Specifically, the four tutorials (and featured guests) in this bundle include (from upper left to lower right in the graphic):

For more information about the tutorials in the bundle (including sneak peek videos) or to purchase the bundle, please visit its listing on my site via the link below.


And, of course, enjoy all that you find!


Images (1)
  • Guest Series Techniques Bundle #1: Cookies and Photos by Guest Artists; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Original Post