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Say Hi (Again) to Our November 2022 Site Artist!

Wow, it's hard to believe that Halloween is nearly gone by and that Thanksgiving (and even Christmas) preps are already underway! Who has reserved their Thanksgiving turkey? Or made name tags for their Thanksgiving table settings? Or is crafting Christmas cookies and photographing them for holiday promotions as we speak?! For once, I'm a bit ahead of the eight ball, as I can say "me!" to all three of these things. Call me crabby, but I've never been a fan of doling out candy in large quantities to youngsters, so I'm thrilled to beckon in the next holiday. And what better set to welcome Thanksgiving than this charming turkey-themed banner and accompanying backdrop made by longtime site contributor and now November 2022 site artist @Heather Bruce Sosa!


You can check out the original version of Heather's Thanksgiving set here, and above, you can see how @Icingsugarkeks, our Site Art Stylist, tweaked it to add her own personal mark. (Look closely, and you'll notice that the turkey winks!) Thanks to these wonderful ladies for making our site so fitting with the season - and so beautiful - this month!

Heather joined Cookie Connection four years ago, and is no newcomer to being a featured site artist, having been one as recently as May 2021. That being said, I'll refer you to Heather's previous Cookier Close-up that accompanied her May feature for an in-depth look into her cookie journey. A synopsis also follows in her bio below.

Thanks again, Heather, for contributing so wonderfully to Cookie Connection over the last four years! I just love your charming turkeys, and look forward to your continued contributions to the site.

Heather Bruce Sossa - Cropped@Heather Bruce Sosa was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Her dad was Scottish, and her mum was Anglo-Argentine. Heather married an Anglican missionary, who later became ordained as a pastor, and, together with their five children, they  have lived in several communities throughout the country. For the last 13 years, Heather’s husband has served as chaplain for the PGALA (Professional Golf Association for Latin America), and Heather supports that work in the background.

Heather grew up watching her mum pipe and decorate the most exquisite wedding cakes as her part-time hobby. “Nanny”, as her darling grandchildren called her, was the name Heather also chose for her business, Nanny’s Cookies, to honor the memory of her mother. Christmas cookies were always a family tradition for Heather, but about five years ago everything changed. Quite accidentally, a whole new world opened up for Heather. She began researching cookies and got captured by @Julia M. Usher’s videos on YouTube, and, soon, a hidden talent started emerging. In January 2018, Heather joined Cookie Connection, which has been such a special blessing, not only for the  learning it allows from so many incredibly talented people, but also for connecting cookiers with beautiful and cherished friends. Decorating cookies has become Heather’s passion. She loves the joy that cookies bring to family, friends, and customers, and that each order is an opportunity to grow and give her very best.

You can see more of Heather's cookie work by visiting her Instagram and Facebook pages and her Cookie Connection portfolio. You'll enjoy what you see!

All cookies and photos above by Heather Bruce Sosa.

Last but not least, if you're interested in being featured in our site banner and backdrop, it's really as easy as submitting your own cookie photos to the "Site Submissions" clip set for review and consideration. Simply read these posts here and here for more info. Remember: Site artists not only get their work featured prominently for a full month, but they also get profiled in a forum post (like this one) and in an in-depth Cookier Close-up interview just as Heather was back in May 2021. When preparing your site art, please bear in mind that I already have artwork through January 2023, so I am specifically looking for art for February 2023 and beyond. Please also remember that @Icingsugarkeks, our Site Art Stylist, is available to help you get your photos in the right format, so do not hesitate to contact her if you need assistance! You can send her a PM right here on Cookie Connection by clicking on her name (in pink) above. Thanks in advance for considering a contribution to the site!


Images (2)
  • November 2022 Site Banner: Cookies and Photo by Heather Bruce Sosa; Graphic Design by Icing Sugarkeks and Pretty Sweet Designs
  • November 2022 Site Background: Cookies and Photo by Heather Bruce Sosa; Graphic Design by Icing Sugarkeks
Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Original Post