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A Caterpillar’s Journey
This piece won the Cookie Showcase at the National Pastry Conference. See comments for more pictures and a view of the other side!

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Here’s the back side. The butterfly wings are dyed cookie dough… no royal icing!

I used rice noodles for the antennas and legs  

Flowers are piped royal icing.

Leaves are wafer paper.

Rocks are painted cookies. Soil is cookie and wafer paper crumbs.
The background and branches are not edible… painted wood to hold all the cookies.


Here are photos of the cookies before putting them on the display. I had to travel with them, so I made sure to get good photos before setting them up, just in case of any accidents. Thankfully, set-up went perfectly!




Images (3)
  • Butterfly and flowers on display
  • Caterpillar cookies
  • Butterfly and flowers

Oh, how cute is this @Susie Jacobs!! I absolutely love these fun catepillars. What a  creative and unique design...and you've added wonderful dimension to make the cookie pop. Awesome work!! ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

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