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Hi, M-Еден, 


Welcome to the site! And thanks for sharing your photos today.


However, several IMPORTANT posting reminders. Please read our site posting guidelines before posting again: http://cookieconnection.juliau...READ-BEFORE-YOU-POST


1. First, we don't allow the posting of more that 5 images at one time; you've posted well in excess of this today and should hold off on posting any more for the day. Typically, people post no more than a few a day to the site.


2. Please don't forget to put your photos in clips sets IN ADDITION TO assigning them tags. All photos need both. (This is the only way to ensure that your photos will be found by people and search engines later.) I put this photo in clip sets for you as an example only - but please put the 22 other images you just posted into clip sets. For all the important reasons for fully classifying your photos and how to, again, please read this post: http://cookieconnection.juliau...READ-BEFORE-YOU-POST


I just want your lovely cookies to be found. Plus, it saves me and moderators a lot of time when people fully classify their own images! Thanks so much!




Please also watch your tagging. This photo is tagged as a bike and cupcakes, but it is clearly none of these things. Because you uploaded 23 images at one time, the tags you applied then got applied to all the cookies you uploaded. It's better to upload one cookie at a time and make sure your clip sets and tags actually apply.


Please go back and adjust all previously uploaded photos.

Link copied to your clipboard.