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The 2024 Winner Reveal: Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™


As Taylor Swift (muse for this year's competition theme) would ask, "Are you ready for it?!" - "it", of course, being the grand winner reveal in the third virtual edition of Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™! From what I've witnessed online, I suspect so. And the good news is: you can stop holding your breath in anticipation because the time has come! But first, a few remarks about the state of the 2024 competition and some necessary thank-yous. (Oh what a tease I am! 😀)

2024 Competition Observations and Thank-Yous

As you may have noticed, my wonderful team of sponsors, judges, and past competitors worked hard this year to extend the competition's reach to prospective entrants by publishing scads of video testimonials, interviews, and Q&As. Thanks to their efforts, our 2024 online program witnessed positive numbers across all key metrics, in an era when in-person competition participation has been waning. In most competitions, nearly 50% of registrants drop out before ever submitting an entry, but, this year, our attrition rate was only 29% (the lowest I've ever seen!), which led to an uptick in entries over the last two years. Entrants came from all over – more specifically from 12 countries, with a full 39% residing outside the United States. Some of our registrants' more "exotic" homelands (at least to me!) include Turkey, Australia, Japan, Jamaica, Brazil, Italy, Iran, and Portugal. I’m thrilled that this online format is able to touch so many people from so many different places. It’s also truly fascinating to see how this diversity gets reflected in the entries and, in particular, the interpretation of the theme ("Your Eras Tour", by the way!). But what most pleases me is that we had many first-time competitors who stepped out of their comfort zones and completely went for it! The entries were consistently strong in all categories, which resulted in a very exciting race with final scores often differing by very few points.

So, again, I thank the many competition "friends" who helped to get out the word about this competition and the value of competing. But, moreover, I thank our entrants who clearly put their hearts and souls into their submissions, and who didn't let stiff competition, second-guessing, or self-doubt prevent them from submitting. Our 2024 entrants were a tenacious bunch, who put the value of learning ahead of ribbons and recognition, and I commend each and every one of them for embodying the true spirit of this competition. As I've been known to say, every entrant is ultimately a winner just for having gotten a piece to the virtual judging table. Seeing a complex idea through to fruition is 90% or more of the challenge! Kudos to everyone!

Also, some hearty applause for our sponsors, please! As you probably know by now, they donated yet another record-breaking number of prizes - just over $25,500 USD in total, with about $9,200 of that total being cash! Each of our 17 sponsors is a shining beacon in our industry, and I feel so very fortunate to have their support. As a show of gratitude, I encourage all of you to visit their sites on our dedicated sponsor page. Buy some of their incredible products, bestow them with likes and shares on social media, and/or handwrite them traditional thank-you notes. In other words, do what you can to show them your love so that we can continue to enhance the value that this competition brings to cookiers everywhere.

And, of course, I thank our immensely talented and experienced judges who invested countless hours in entry review and making the very hard decisions that resulted in the winners you see below. As I said earlier, the caliber of entries was quite high this year, which led to more than the usual discussion and deliberation. But, as always, these judges took their jobs very seriously, taking all the time needed to make thoughtful, thorough, and objective assessments. (BTW, because I saw every entry/entrant in our entry databases, I did not score any submissions in order to maintain impartiality; I simply organized and oversaw the judging process.)

World Class Judges COMPOSITE SQUARE_2024

Now, on to the reason you're all reading this post - the unveiling of winners! As a reminder, we award 12 prizes across four categories/skill level classifications: (1) 3-D Cookie/Beginner-Intermediate; (2) 3-D Cookie/Advanced-Master; (3) 2-D Cookie/Beginner-Intermediate; and (4) 2-D Cookie/Advanced-Master. For definitions of these categories/classifications, please visit the original Competition Overview post. In each category/classification, we typically (though not always) award first, second, and third prizes, which are based on total points scored. In addition, every person who places is also given a "ribbon" designation, which indicates the percent of total possible points they achieved after all of the judges' individual scores were averaged. So, for instance:

  • Gold = 91%-100% of total
  • Silver = 81%-90% of total
  • Bronze = 71%-80% of total
  • Honorable Mention = 70% or less

It's important to note that, because each category is judged across seven to nine criteria (seven for 2-D Cookie and nine for 3-D Cookie) by five different judges, it's quite difficult to achieve a gold or silver designation, just by virtue of how the math works out! 😀

Directly below, you'll find a quick video shout-out to the very deserving winners in each of these categories. Drumroll, please . . .

What did I tell you?! Pretty darn incredible, right?! But the video barely scratches the surface of these fabulous entries and their equally fabulous creators! Please read on to see larger pictures of each winning entry, as well as each entrant's bio, notes about interpretation of theme (again, "Your Eras Tour", a spin on Taylor Swift's epic concert tour), and select comments from the judges. There's a lot here, but be sure to read to the very end! There you'll find the judges' pick for the Kerry Vincent Best in Show Award, which is awarded annually to the one entry across all categories/classifications that best demonstrates impeccable skill, attention to detail, design innovation or aptitude, and high style – all hallmarks of Kerry’s legendary designs.

Congrats to all of the winners! Winners, you will be notified individually over the next few days with information about your winner badges and prizes, and how to redeem the latter. Prizes were allocated in proportion to winners' total point scores, with the average combined cash-and-coupon prize value being about $2,080 per winner (~$700 in cash)! Thanks again to our wonderful sponsors for making these unimaginable figures possible!

So, let's get to the detailed entry review, starting first with 3-D Cookie, a category near and dear to my heart . . .

3-D Cookie/Beginner-Intermediate

1 bronze award and 1 honorable mention were given in this category/classification.

Second Place
Honorable Mention
(61%-70% of 90 total points)


Entry Name: My Reading Era

Yanitxia Rodríguez was born in Puerto Rico, which she still calls home. Her cookie journey started just over a year and half ago when a change to her lifestyle prompted her to pursue her longtime desire to make art with her own two hands. Since she was very little, Yanitxia dreamed of making her first gingerbread house like those she saw in the movies. And now, baking and decorating cookies have allowed her to express her inner little artist. All she's learned about cookies and cookie decorating is thanks to video courses and marvelous cookie artists she's watched online. Yanitxia loves making cookie art because her imagination has no limits. When not decorating cookies, Yanitxia enjoys time with her family, reading books, and spending devotional mornings with God. Going to the beach is her vitamin "sea", and her new hobby is running.

Yanitxia on Theme Interpretation: "I’m currently in my reading era, and my inspiration was a specific verse from the Bible, Psalm 42:1." [Psalm 42:1 reads in English, "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God."]

What Judges Most Appreciated: "I really enjoy the originality of this 3-D composition, particularly the idea of the arch through which the river flows, with the river originating from the words in the Bible . . . There are so many vibrant, rich textures here, from the moss to the rocks to the lightly wrinkled pages in the book . . . The methods this entrant adopted to create the rocks and moss are especially well done and realistic."

First Place
(71%-80% of 90 total points)


Entry Name: Swimming through Time: A Baroque Mermaid's Tale (shortened above to fit in the graphic!)

Allison Turner hails from Australia and is a multi-award-winning cake artist who, operating under the banner of Always Save Room for Cake, specializes in creating life-sized cake sculptures that transcend traditional boundaries in cake and chocolate. Allison has a whimsical style and a passion for mythical themes. Her designs are typically handpainted and adorned with hand-sculpted details. In 2023 while designing her most recent cake show installation (a life-sized mermaid feature), Allison fell in love with the beauty and mystery of mermaid-inspired designs. This inspiration led her to the idea of creating oversized mermaid cookies for this competition. Though a newcomer to cookies, Allison adapted her cake artistry skills through trial and error, using the cookie as another canvas for her creative expression. She looks forward to continuing to explore cookie techniques and the endless possibilities of this "new" medium.

Allison on Theme Interpretation: "For my entry, I decided to integrate my love of mermaids into the Baroque era. My vision was to create beautiful mermaid trinkets that reflected the elaborate and dramatic characteristics of the Baroque era . . . I imagined a gorgeous mermaid, her vanity table adorned with a trinket  box, handheld mirror, and comb, all intricately decorated with scrolls, inlays, carvings, and gilded metal to create visually striking pieces that capture the essence of the Baroque period. I tried to . . . transport the viewer back in time to this magical place of fantasy, beauty, power, and extravagance."

What Judges Most Appreciated: "The mermaid portrait is dreamy, and the entire display exudes extravagance. Theme interpretation accomplished! . . . The painting of the mermaid is very well-executed, with a remarkably soft gradient effect, and I also appreciate the bas-relief effect that brings her to life. The project fully delivers the sense of opulence of the Baroque era, particularly through the richly decorated frame and its skillful use of molded cookies . . . The clean stenciling on the contoured cookies is impressive; it's a lot harder to do on cookies than on cakes!"

3-D Cookie/Advanced-Master

4 bronze awards were given in this category/classification.

Third Place
(71%-80% of 90 total points)


Entry Name: My Homebody Era

Lisa Foss is a hobbyist cookie decorator who resides in the United States. After careers in corporate communications and freelance writing, she focused her attention on the nonprofit sector. Lisa spent more than a decade at various soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and prison reentry programs throughout New York City. Lisa's cookie journey began in 2011 when she started making gingerbread houses. Though she enjoys making cookies for family and friends, Lisa's cookie-making is focused on donations and charitable endeavors.

Lisa on Theme Interpretation: "I am currently in (and loving!) my homebody era. In my younger days, I was quite social and loved to dance and party. I also travelled like crazy and was always on the move. The travel only increased once I was married and I loved that too! Then, everything came to a standstill during the pandemic. Like everyone else, we hunkered down and regrouped. What I discovered during that period is that I really liked staying home. I feel I have everything I need. I am able to spend quality time with my spouse, hang out with my badly behaved dogs, and watch movies. Thanks to FaceTime, I am able to see faraway family and friends on a daily basis without having to leave the comforts of my own home! With so many distractions now removed, I finally have the time to read. A lot!! (Which is something equally enjoyable and important to me as cookie decorating!) I can assure you that my disco days are behind me, which is why the ball and party clothes have been slated for donations . . . The well-worn suitcases however still have some life left, which is why they are being stored instead of donated. I am sure I will need to travel at some point in the future and may even enjoy it. For the time being though, I am deliriously happy staying at home."

What Judges Most Appreciated: "I would be deliriously happy if I lived in this cookie vignette as well! With 246 cookies and so many different types of 3-D structures and details, this entry displays so much thoughtfulness and creativity. The 3-D chair shape is brilliantly constructed, and the idea of coating royal icing with ground cinnamon to mimic worn leather texture is so clever . . . this entry is a delight to detail lovers. I studied it for quite a while and kept discovering new things. From pink bunny slippers to shiny disco boots, no storytelling tidbit was overlooked!"

Second Place
(71%-80% of 90 total points)


Entry Name: Carousel of Life

Patrícia Oliveira, who likes to be called Padu Oliveira on social media, is Brazilian but has lived for seven years in Lisbon, Portugal. She started her cookie business on Instagram (@PaduHomemadeBakery) during the pandemic, all after overcoming cancer breast, retiring from her career as a university professor, and moving to another country! Patrícia is creative, loves challenges, and has always been linked to both performing and visual arts, being an artist, first and foremost, by nature. Prior to the pandemic, she baked a lot of cakes, breads, and cookies, but only for family and friends. During Christmas 2020, Patrícia's now business started as a hobby with her making gingerbread houses without fully understanding the structure of cookies or nature of royal icing. Since then, she has pursued self-directed studies and improved her recipes and techniques for her business. Today, the art of creating royal icing cookies is her greatest passion, of course after all of the love she has for her family.

Patrícia on Theme Interpretation: "Movement is what defines life, which is why I decided to represent 'Your Eras Tour' with a carousel cookie. I chose six moments that changed my life and were very important for my personal growth and the way I relate to the world. These moments are: dance, my wedding, my two pregnancies, chemotherapy, the change of continents, and the world of cookies . . . The world of cookies brought me back to art, creativity, and passion, [so] today I no longer miss dancing. Today, making cookies is my daily life, my work, [and] my happiness, because it completes me . . . But the world is movement and continues to spin like a merry-go-round."

What Judges Most Appreciated: "I truly appreciate the complexity of this construction and all of its edible, internal MOVING parts that allow the top portion of the carousel to glide seamlessly over the bottom support . . . And I love that it literally spins 360-degrees showing the full cycle of this entrant's life - what an original way to take the judges on a journey through her important eras! . . . Such a well-executed depiction of the theme. I didn't need to read any of the entry details to understand the journey conveyed."

First Place - TIE
(71%-80% of 90 total points)


Entry Name:
My Era of Traveling

Olga Goloven worked as a full-time cookie decorator in Ukraine until 2022, sharing her passion for this art form through online classes. That year, when the horrible war began, Olga had to make the heart-wrenching decision to escape to Chicago to save her children. Life forced her to change from cookie decorating to an executive assistant job for a CEO, and to leave royal icing art as only a cherished hobby in the quiet hours of the night. The vibrant community in Chicago, with its rich tapestry of cultures and traditions, offers Olga endless inspiration, and so she decided for the first time to submit an entry into the 3-D category of this competition. It was an absolutely new trail for her, but she enjoyed every mistake as an opportunity to collect experiences for the future. Despite Olga's challenges with settling in the USA while maintaining her Ukrainian roots, she holds onto the hope that one day she will return to her previous path of creating cookie art as her profession.

Olga on Theme Interpretation: "Traveling is often seen as a mere escape, a temporary detour from the routines of daily life. For me, however, traveling has been much more than that. It's a transformative journey, shaping me into the person I am today, and teaching me lessons that no classroom or book ever could. [I grew up] in the USSR, so even the idea of traveling abroad was prohibited. The strict limitations and closed borders made the world beyond seem like an unreachable fantasy. As a child, I never imagined I would one day have the freedom to explore far-off places and experience different cultures . . . Lost luggage, missed flights, language barriers, and cultural misunderstandings are part of the journey, [and they] became my greatest teachers. They taught me resilience, patience, and the art of letting go. I learned to adapt, to find solutions in the face of problems, and to see setbacks as opportunities for growth . . . My era of traveling is not just a collection of destinations; it is a reflection of my brave exploring beyond the dreams. It (and also cookies) shaped me into who I am today, and for that, I am eternally grateful. I continue to explore the world and carry with me the lessons learned, the memories cherished, and the hope that each new journey will further shape me into a better person."

What Judges Most Appreciated: "Such an appealing color palette, charming composition, and clever display with careful attention paid to 360-degree viewability. I especially appreciate the very well-executed coverage of the curved cookie pieces by dipping in royal icing . . . which is particularly hard to do on half-cylinders! I also admire the removable isomalt globe (not pictured above) that transformed this piece into a veritable snow globe! What a special touch and seamless way to introduce another decorating technique . . . Adorable piece! I especially enjoy the construction of the girl's hair. I can actually feel the wind blowing in it - and the freedom that conveys! . . . This entrant's expression of the theme is so personal; her delightful composition makes me want to travel along with her."

First Place - TIE
(71%-80% of 90 total points)


Entry Name: Memories

Saori Otaki was born and raised in Japan, and has loved baking  since she was a child. When she was in university, she began learning sugarcraft and fell in love with decorating cookies. Even after she started working, got married, and had a daughter, Saori continued to decorate cookies for her family and friends. She began entering her work in competitions after she moved to the USA in 2021 due to her husband's business. In 2021, she won a silver medal in Royal Iced Cookies in Cake International's virtual competition. And, in 2023, she won a gold medal and second place in Decorated Cookies at Cake International Birmingham. This year's cookie art competition represents Saori's third time competing. In 2024, Saori returned to Japan, where she hopes to interact with sugar and cookie artists around the world to learn more and more.

Saori on Theme Interpretation: "I interpreted the theme 'Your Eras Tour' as representing the memories of my life. Marriage, childbirth, travel . . . When I tried to think back to my life, I saw photos. There are so many memories and photos. So I made a work related to photos, [including a] treasure box to put photos in, a photo frame, and a favorite camera."

What Judges Most Appreciated: "The cookies in this entry are beautifully flooded, and the lines and details throughout the piece are quite clean . . . I applaud this entrant on her precise and varied royal icing treatments . . . from a very lovely wet-on-wet flower design and tidily piped basketweave texture on the treasure box exterior to a well-executed bas-relief effect on the easel support and inner part of the box . . . I especially admire the considerable attention that this entrant paid to making sure her entry viewed cleanly and beautifully from all angles - not just from the back and front, but also on the inside!"

2-D Cookie/Beginner-Intermendiate

2 bronze awards and 1 honorable mention were given in this category/classification.

Third Place
Honorable Mention
(61%-70% of 70 total points)


Entry Name: The Gowns Era

Donna Sullivan lives in North Carolina, works full time as a supervision manager in financial services, and is owner of Twinklefairy Cakes. She has been baking since she was a little girl, discovering her passion for cake decorating when she took an adult continuing education course in the early 2000s. Donna was hooked and sought out any instruction she could find to dive deeper into the art form. As online and in-person class opportunities became more prevalent, Donna grew her skills exponentially. She has expanded into cookie and isomalt decorating over the last ten years. Prior to Julia's cookie art competition, Donna had entered cakes in the Jersey Shore Cake & Cookie Convention and the Sweet Art Sugar Master Show in New York City, and placed in both of those shows. She looks forward to continuing to develop her cookie art skills and is grateful for all of the inspiration and support that comes from Julia and the Cookie Connection community.

Donna on Theme Interpretation: "When the competition theme was announced as 'Your Eras Tour', I immediately began to think of how I might represent the significant events in my life. I decided I would do this by depicting a scrapbook of 'The Gown Eras', each of which represents a significant event in my life from birth to marriage. I wanted to give the scrapbook a vintage feel, so I chose a Polaroid camera as the backdrop with Polaroid photos as the templates for the gowns. The first gown I ever wore was my christening gown as my parents brought me into the Catholic faith. The next gown I wore was for my first holy communion, another significant step in the Catholic faith . . . The next era was my senior high school prom where I wore the most beautiful gown and danced the night away with the best of friends. Soon that led to me donning my cap and gown for my college graduation from Rutgers University. Finally, I got to feel like a princess when I wore my wedding gown and married the most wonderful man. This year marks our 20th anniversary."

What Judges Most Appreciated: "I really appreciate this entrant's painted rendering of the Polaroid camera, which gave it tremendous dimension. Her setup is original as well - especially the brilliant idea of putting the camera in an upright position. It very effectively communicates the idea of the scrapbook sitting beneath it on another plane . . . I enjoyed the idea of this piece and following this entrant through the journey of her life with pictures of beautiful gowns! . . . This entrant added just enough decoration around the gowns to convey 'scrapbook' without taking the focus off the gowns. The surrounding details are clean and not distracting . . . I truly enjoy the painting techniques used on the camera. This entrant has great control of the mediums she used to paint; there is no visible pitting . . . just lots of interesting dimension."

Second Place
(71%-80% of 70 total points)


Entry Name: Journey of Improvement

Caeleigh Kinch started baking with an Easy-Bake Oven when she was young. She made all sorts of different baked goods for various events for family and friends. Everyone always told her, "You should sell these!" So, in 2020, she started her side business Caeleigh’s Creations. Later that year, she joined an event called the World Cookie Summit, which led her to a Facebook group called The Cookiers, and she soon became obsessed with all things cookie decorating. Caeleigh took as many different cookie decorating classes as she could to learn as many techniques as possible. She first realized one could paint on cookies at the beginning of 2021, and thus began her love for portrait cookies. She has been taking art classes since she was six years old and her favorite part of cookie decorating is the marrying of two of her favorite hobbies: art and baking.

Caeleigh on Theme Interpretation: "I've always been known for all the hobbies that I have . . . I find my hobbies and my attention to detail make me who I am. I always learn something, [and] then focus on it intensely to improve as much as I can. I learned knitting from my grandma, [and] then improved by creating crochet dolls/animals. I learned gardening three years ago, and now my garden has expanded like crazy. I started Latin dancing eight years ago and improved to advanced levels in the past couple [of] years. I started decorating cookies in 2020, [and] then started my side baking business in 2021, which has improved year after year. . . . I started painting when I was six, and I improve my portrait skills year after year. The most important part of my journey is my boyfriend. We've been together for two and a half years, and he's been incredibly supportive and loving. I chose the images I created with the cookies to best showcase my many hobbies, talents, and interests that make me me . . . I interpreted the theme as showing how I've grown over time and all [of the] hobbies I've collected over my era."

What Judges Most Appreciated: "This entrant's painting skills are very good, and I particularly appreciate the couple portrait . . . because of the depth and movement created by skillful shading. I also enjoy the very well-balanced and harmonious color palette that runs throughout the whole composition, and the concept of the separate painting cookie on the separate easel is quite clever . . . This entrant definitely understands the concept of shading, which really accentuates the details in her handpainted portraits."

First Place
(71%-80% of 70 total points)


Entry Name: Mi Dulce Yo

Yazmin Rodríguez is a fashion designer by profession and a self-taught baker at heart. She has been dedicated to baking for 30 years, and her recent specialty is decorated cookies, especially artistic cookies. What she enjoys most about decorating cookies is painting faces and designing a cookie from scratch. She dedicates herself one hundred percent to her home-based business of making cakes and cookies for special events.

Yazmin on Theme Interpretation: "My theme is based on the three stages of my life that have meant the most to me, the ones that have marked me the most throughout my life . . . the first was in high school. I went to a religious school. The second era was when I studied fashion design and found my love for art, and the third era is my current self where designing cookies is what I like the most, [and] where now I can merge art and design with baking."

What Judges Most Appreciated: "I appreciate the number of techniques used to make this composition and the fact that the techniques were executed with a keen attention to detail . . . I enjoy the unique out-of-the-box shape of this composition as well . . . I am impressed with this entrant's handpainting capabilities, especially as a beginner. Great use of royal icing transfers as well. They really give a wonderful 3-D look to the piece . . . I love the many layers to this entry, which add so much depth, dimension, and interest. From the underlying airbrushed/stenciled backgrounds to the flowers, mini piping bag and sweets, and other cookies and transfers on top, everything works seamlessly together to tell this entrant's story, without looking overthought or overdone."

2-D Cookie/Advanced-Master

3 silver awards were given in this category/classification.

Third Place
(81%-90% of 70 total points)


Entry Name: Wall of Memories

Niusha Ramezani Raad has a bachelor's degree in English translation. Fourteen years ago, after finishing her studies at the age of 24, she decided to learn to make her own sweets for Nowruz, the Iranian New Year. She became interested in participating in all of the baking and cooking courses that she could. Two years later, Niusha accidentally saw an example of cookie icing on a blog and tried to practice and learn cookie decorating by herself at home. Soon after that, she was able to open a pastry shop and take orders, making up to 1,000 cookies per month. Ten years later, Niusha decided to participate in international competitions, and succeeded in earning a gold medal in an Italian competition, the Turkish "Cake Star" recognition, and a bronze ribbon designation in the 2022 edition of Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition. Niusha is still working in her confectionery and holding cookie-decorating training workshops.

Niusha on Theme Interpretation: "This cookie [entry] is the description of my life. After graduation, I attended cookie-icing training classes and learned, and, a year later, I got married and opened a pastry cafe with my husband. I still do cookie icing professionally, with a lot of orders."

What Judges Most Appreciated: "I love how this entry mimics a photo gallery that you might find hanging in someone's home. The arrangement of the small frames within the bigger one isn't rigid and uniform, but more along the lines of how one might really curate a photo gallery that is constantly evolving and growing as life carries on . . . The larger framed backdrop is also a cohesive and clever way to visually group the many facets (smaller frames) of the entrant's baking era . . . I especially like how she juxtaposed the ornate, solid-color frames with imagery that is stylistically very different (more colorful and whimsical), which allows both elements, though complex and rich, to shine equally in the composition . . . The piping and details on the frames are fantastic! I also really enjoy the clever ways that this entrant used royal icing transfers to add dimension, movement, and whimsy to the piece."

Second Place
(81%-90% of 70 total points)


Entry Name: Crumbs and Glitter

Susie Jacobs started out as a high school English teacher, but now she is a sugar artist who runs a cottage bakery from her home in League City, Texas, USA. Her cakes and cookies have won multiple awards and been published in several magazines. At first exclusively a cake decorator, she started learning and experimenting with the possibilities of cookie art; now she loves trying out techniques that can be used on both cakes and cookies and is happily doing a little bit of everything in the sugar art world. She enjoys traveling to cake shows to compete, make friends, and learn new things. Out of the kitchen, Susie enjoys raising butterflies and spending precious time with her husband and four kids. They have always been her biggest fans, and she is so thankful for their love and support.

Susie on Theme Interpretation: "I’ve always been very introspective, and for most of my adult life, I’ve had titles for the 'eras' of my life. In my mind, they were actually chapters of a book (one I may never have time to write). It started when my now teenage daughter was four or five years old. I was cleaning the floor under our kitchen table, and as I wiped up remnants of lunch and crafts we had made that day, I thought to myself, 'If I were to write a memoir, I’d title it Crumbs and Glitter.' I loved my Crumbs and Glitter Era. Being a mom to three young kids was busy, chaotic, messy, and fun. In an attempt to keep the kids occupied and myself sane over the summer breaks, I would plan themed weeks for us, where we played and learned through books, crafts, food, and games. We had Space Week, Shark Week, Wizard Week, and Dinosaur Week, among many others . . . So these cookies are an illustration of Dinosaur Week. I chose my kitchen floor as the backdrop because most of our activities took place in the kitchen, and a tired but happy mama (me) is surrounded by the fun and mess. I made books, art supplies, crafts, snacks, toys, games, even a 'dig pit'. Oh, and don’t forget mom’s cup of coffee (that’s probably gone cold). And of course, crumbs and glitter."

What Judges Most Appreciated: "They say 'God is in the details,' and, boy, does this entry ever score high on finely executed details! From the teeny-tiny crayons and apple juice container to the crumbs in the dig pit, every detail has purpose and is cleanly executed. Not only are these smaller elements technically impressive, but, taken together, they beautifully convey the chaos and joy of this entrant's chosen era . . . . It's wonderful to see a technically excellent cookie entry, but it's a very special thing when an entry also evokes an emotional response. I couldn't help but to smile (over and over again) as I reviewed the details in this entry!  . . . What a fun piece!"

First Place
(81%-90% of 70 total points)


Entry Name: My Golden Royal Icing Era

Manuela Silvia Taddeo is an architect by training and a cake designer by passion. In 2013, she graduated from training in pastry and cake design, and then opened  Artistic Pastryshop MABANUBY, a laboratory of decorated cakes, in Milan, Italy. After a long path of study in the main decorative techniques, Manuela fell in love with royal icing decoration, becoming a student of Sir Eddie Spence MBE and Kathleen Lange. Manuela believes that competitions can aid in testing yourself and enhancing your techniques and skills. Her cakes have won first place twice at the CDI Festival (2014, 2015); four first places at Cake International in Birmingham; Best in Show in Vienna and Friedrichshafen; and first prize at Glamour Italian Cake (2016). She also won the Cake Design Italian Championship (2018), second place at the Cake Design World Championship (2019), and second place in the 3-D cookie category of Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition (2021). Manuela teaches cake design techniques to all levels, in Italy and worldwide.

Manuela on Theme Interpretation: "This year marks the tenth anniversary of my first project with royal icing, and there could be no better occasion than this contest to celebrate 'my golden royal icing era'. It [royal icing] was a love at first sight that completely changed my life and my passions . . . [through] royal icing, I [have] learned a lot in these years: calmness and patience, perseverance . . . bravery to realize beyond what has already been realized, [and] to use the technique to materialize a dream. I learned the most important thing . . .  even if it [royal icing] only lasts a moment because 'it is only sugar', learning is a journey that lasts a lifetime . . . the central piece [in my project] represents the clock of the creative soul, in which time is measured by dedication . . . Around it [are] some examples of my experimentation . . . from a 3-D tulip and swan entirely made in royal icing to the iconic figures of women, each cookie [is] a reference to an artistic piece I made or an evocation of an important memory, such as the daffodils of Farnham, where I attended my first class with Master Eddie Spence and sugar entered my veins."

What Judges Most Appreciated: "The piping in this entry is exquisite; I especially admire the dimensional swan, flowers, and hands, which add so much movement and depth to the piece . . . Wonderful pressure-piping throughout this piece, which shows great control, especially with respect to the facial features, which are all quite delicate . . . The idea of the creativity clock is brilliant and very attractive in every aspect: its fine and precise piping, the thematic tie-in behind it, its very structure and decoration. I also appreciate the dynamic petal cookie shapes that this entrant opted for, which deliver unity and diversity at the same time . . . I agree - the interlocking cookie shapes around the central pivot of the clock were a wise choice. The 'sweep' of their shapes very much underscores the theme of this piece - that learning is an ongoing, ever-dynamic journey."

Kerry Vincent Best in Show Award

And, last but not least, the unveiling of the coveted Kerry Vincent Best in Show Award! Once again, this award is given each year to the one entry across all categories/classifications that best demonstrates impeccable skill, attention to detail, design innovation or aptitude, and high style – all hallmarks of Kerry’s legendary designs. This year the award goes to (another drumroll, please) . . .


Congratulations again, Manuela! There's no doubt that Kerry would have oohed and aahed over your magical piping, just as the judges did! To give readers a better appreciation of your piping prowess, I've included a couple of larger images from your entry submission below. I think the hands and swan are my favorites, but all of the elements are wonderful!

IMAGE 1 MANUELAImage 2 Mauela

Closing Remarks

And so another great cookie art competition has come to a close! Congrats again to each and every winner for your impressive display of talent! Again, I will be distributing your digital prizes and cash over the next few days. Please be patient, as I have a large number of prizes to organize and distribute. And to all who entered, the judges and I can't wait to see what you bring to the competition table next year! Remember, competing is primarily about learning and growth. If you didn't place this year, don't be discouraged. Capitalize on what you learned along the way and the judges' feedback, and you'll be a better cookie decorator for it. I promise!

While on the subject of feedback, a quick reminder: As soon as prizes have been distributed, I will begin processing the feedback requests received by the June 30 deadline. Feedback will be processed in the order requests were received and may take up to a few weeks to receive given the large volume of requests. Feedback is a vital part of the competition process, and I take the writing of it quite seriously, so, again, please bear with me as I take the necessary time to process it.

Two more final notes: This competition will be online again in 2025. (Yay! I love that the online format touches so many corners of the globe!) Please stay tuned for the first announcements about it around year end. And thanks again to everyone - judges, sponsors, and entrants - for making this third virtual edition a resounding success!


Images (17)
  • Winner Reveal Banner: Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™ 2024: Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • Our 2024 World-Class Judges: Photos Courtesy of Judges; Graphic Design by Elizabeth Cox
  • My Reading Era: Entry by Yanitxia Rodríguez; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • Swimming through Time: A Baroque Mermaid's Tale: Entry by Allison Turner; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • My Homebody Era: Entry by Lisa Foss; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • Carousel of Life: Entry by Patrícia Oliveira; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • My Era of Traveling: Entry by Olga Goloven; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • Memories: Entry by Saori Otaki; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • The Gowns Era: Entry by Donna Sullivan; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • Journey of Improvement: Entry by Caeleigh Kinch; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • Mi Dulce Yo: Entry by Yazmin Rodríguez; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • Wall of Memories: Entry by Niusha Ramezani Raad; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • Crumbs and Glitter: Entry by Susie Jacobs; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • My Golden Royal Icing Era: Entry by Manuela Silvia Taddeo; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • Kerry Vincent Best in Show Award: Entry by Manuela Silvia Taddeo; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • Cookies from "My Golden Royal Icing Era" Entry: Entry by Manuela Silvia Taddeo
  • More Cookies from "My Golden Royal Icing Era" Entry: Entry by Manuela Silvia Taddeo

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Comments (14)

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Absolutely outstanding and amazing pieces of art! Congratulations to you all dear winners, and all who took part in this incredible competition! I deeply admire your talent.

Thank you dear Julia @Julia M. Usher for putting this challenge out; dear judges for the difficult task you embraced, and sponsors for supporting this competition!♥️

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

What exquisite pieces of art.
Congratulations to everyone!

They truly are exquisite! Congrats again to all of this year's winners! 👏🏻

Absolutely outstanding and amazing pieces of art! Congratulations to you all dear winners, and all who took part in this incredible competition! I deeply admire your talent.

Thank you dear Julia @Julia M. Usher for putting this challenge out; dear judges for the difficult task you embraced, and sponsors for supporting this competition!♥️

😀 You are welcome, Heather! I love creating forums for people to learn and grow - both through my personal teachings and larger competitions like this - so it's a true joy to see what people enter and to showcase the winning talent here!

My dearst Julia! The cookies are wonderful! I enjoyed looking at all the details of each competitor and imagine the story behind it! I was so happy I was able to be part, although I started the cookie 5 days before the final date. It was very important for me to be part of the competition. My congratulations to all winners! They did a marvelous work! I am very excited about next year's competition!

My dearst Julia! The cookies are wonderful! I enjoyed looking at all the details of each competitor and imagine the story behind it! I was so happy I was able to be part, although I started the cookie 5 days before the final date. It was very important for me to be part of the competition. My congratulations to all winners! They did a marvelous work! I am very excited about next year's competition!

Thanks, Elke! It's amazing what you accomplished in those short five days! As I said, all of the entries were pretty darn incredible, so the race was especially close this year. I was honored to have your participation and personally really enjoyed your piece, and, of course, I can't wait to see what you create next year! ❤️

Wow, I am over the moon! Winning this competition is such an honor, and it feels even more special because it's my very first entry into the 3D category. A huge, heartfelt thank you to all the judges and @Julia M. Usher —your appreciation means the world to me. This journey has been incredible, and I’m so grateful for such high estimation of my entry. Cannot wait to share backstage moment with you, my sweet friends. 🥰🍪✨

Wow, I am over the moon! Winning this competition is such an honor, and it feels even more special because it's my very first entry into the 3D category. A huge, heartfelt thank you to all the judges and @Julia M. Usher —your appreciation means the world to me. This journey has been incredible, and I’m so grateful for such high estimation of my entry. Cannot wait to share backstage moment with you, my sweet friends. 🥰🍪✨

Congrats again, Olga! Your entry was a delight, and your story of survival and perseverance against all odds is even more remarkable!

Congratulations to all of the winners - such great entries!! I can only imagine how hard the decision-making process was! Thanks to Julia and the judges for all of the hard work they put into making this possible. I learned so much from my participation and am looking forward to participating again in the future.

Congratulations to all of the winners - such great entries!! I can only imagine how hard the decision-making process was! Thanks to Julia and the judges for all of the hard work they put into making this possible. I learned so much from my participation and am looking forward to participating again in the future.

The decision-making WAS hard as I'm sure you can see, but you should be very proud about landing your elegant piece on the judging table. It truly was very lovely. Stay tuned for your feedback; I start processing the list in a few days (depending on how fast I get through other work), though expect a couple of weeks to get yours based on the time you got placed on the list. Anywho, more learning is to come, and the judges and I can't wait to see what you create in 2025!

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