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Bloom! | Bakerloo Station

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And I thought you were excited about Spring!😂

Beautiful blooms. I’m sure they were loved at the christening! Congratulations to your nephew!

Thanks, Tina! We just got back from Boston, where the christening was and the weather was decidedly NOT springy lol but it was all sunshine and rainbows in the church!

What a beautiful, colorful spring set dear Christine @Bakerloo Station!!! And for a christening? Such a great idea! (I love that their name is Bloom, too .) Your use of vibrant colors couldn't be more perfect for this time of year.

Flowers, flowers, and more flowers . Love it!!!! Your presentation of these beauties shows them all off so well. Wonderful work, as always, my dear friend ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

What a beautiful, colorful spring set dear Christine @Bakerloo Station!!! And for a christening? Such a great idea! (I love that their name is Bloom, too .) Your use of vibrant colors couldn't be more perfect for this time of year.

Flowers, flowers, and more flowers . Love it!!!! Your presentation of these beauties shows them all off so well. Wonderful work, as always, my dear friend ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

Thank you, Carol! I was definitely needing a burst of color this week!

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