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What an adorable little mouse.  Love him.   and his favorite cookie is obviously chocolate chip.  Well done.  He is so CUTE. I swear hes saying I love Cookies

This much....<.......>

Very cute!


One thing though, and I've been reminding others of this as well :


Don't forget to tag your photos along with classifying them into clip sets. I went ahead and tagged this image for you as an example. (The Tags area is just below the Sets area.) But you should tag any others already uploaded. For all the reasons for doing this and how to most effectively tag/classify photos, please read this post:


I just want to make sure your work is easily found later on the site. Thanks for all of your great contributions! And have fun!


P.S. Also, for all the same reasons, don't forget to give your images descriptive titles (something other than the photo number from your camera). I retitled this one for you, but feel free to edit it.

Link copied to your clipboard.