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ImageAnimal CookiesChristmas Cookies

Full SPCA Christmas donation

Full SPCA Christmas donation
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I love these, they're so simple yet so lovely. And for such a wonderful cause! Sending you puppy hugs for sharing what you do to help our four legged babies that can't help themselves. THANK YOU!!!

Thank you Econlady

LeeAnn - Absolutely - I have always supported SPCA and have got all my furbabies from there over the many years
I keep them simple and striking so everyone know they are from me (and they are easy and quick to do when someone asks at a moments notice - you know how it is Thanks for your puppy hugs!

Tomorrow I'm starting my decorated cookies for our local spca open house and bake sale.  My dogs are imitating your designs, however, my test cookies don't look as good as yours.  After the bake sale I will post my pictures.

Originally Posted by Econlady:

Tomorrow I'm starting my decorated cookies for our local spca open house and bake sale.  My dogs are imitating your designs, however, my test cookies don't look as good as yours.  After the bake sale I will post my pictures.

Oh how wonderful - I look forward to seeing them.. A hint - grab a piece of paper, draw out your cookie shapes in pen, then use pencil to 'sweep' a few lines.. I keep those for when I do the designs the next time so I don't overdo it and get a uniform look...
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had a WorldWide SPCA 'Signature range of cookies !!
Have fun!

Originally Posted by Kat Rutledge - Ibicci:
Originally Posted by Econlady:

Tomorrow I'm starting my decorated cookies for our local spca open house and bake sale.  My dogs are imitating your designs, however, my test cookies don't look as good as yours.  After the bake sale I will post my pictures.

Oh how wonderful - I look forward to seeing them.. A hint - grab a piece of paper, draw out your cookie shapes in pen, then use pencil to 'sweep' a few lines.. I keep those for when I do the designs the next time so I don't overdo it and get a uniform look...
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had a WorldWide SPCA 'Signature range of cookies !!
Have fun!

Thanks for the advice!

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