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Gingerbread Heart with Matyó Design by TMJcreative

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Julia M. Usher posted:

Lovely! Again, curious: what exactly is matyó design?

Thank you Julia!

There are so many type of Hungarian embroidery depending on where it was made, for example: Buzsák, Kalocsa, and matyó embroidery from Eastern Hungary.

I am very proud of these embroidery so I use them to decorate my gingerbreads. 

TMJcreative - Táboriné Miseta Judit posted:
Julia M. Usher posted:

Lovely! Again, curious: what exactly is matyó design?

Thank you Julia!

There are so many type of Hungarian embroidery depending on where it was made, for example: Buzsák, Kalocsa, and matyó embroidery from Eastern Hungary.

I am very proud of these embroidery so I use them to decorate my gingerbreads. 

Yes, but how is Matyó different than Buzsák (pictured in your other cookies), for instance? The floral motifs all look very similar to me. Just curious to learn more. Thanks!

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