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Goodbye, Sunny Autumn
Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #31 - Wet-on-Wet

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Bakerloo Station posted:

These are absolutely incredible! The level of detail you were able to achieve is mind-boggling. Truly. I would LOVE to hear ALL of your secrets! I know that personally, here in Chicago, there is no combination of weather and icing consistency that would allow me to make anything like these. I am just floored... that bird, those grape leaves,  that apple basket! Each detail is more incredible than the last. Brilliant.

Thank you so much for your kind words, @Bakerloo Station ! ❤

I see your comment just now... Sorry...

I have practiced all the decorations several times, I had to experience the order of the sample so as not to dry the royal icing. It was difficult... Some more liquid consistency of royal icing was needed and I had to work faster. 

I am sorry, but my English is very poor. 

Last edited by PUDING FARM
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