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Avocado Salsa

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Yummy looking work @Yazz Ross!  Makes me hope to taste delicious guacamole in every bite!  Is that guacamole really royal icing?

FYI I was doing some internet searching earlier this week on if avocados could (should not?) be a good ingredient in rollable sugar cookies, and found a resounding "no, they are best NOT used in baked goods".  But hey, everyone thinks avocados are so healthy!  So why not in cookies?!  So next to actually having avocado in our cookies I think your rendition here fits the bill for the next best option!

How fun is this!  I was also recently wondering how sage green would look with the avocado green together in a cookie.  And you solved that dilemma for me as well.  They look just great together!

Keep up the good work!

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