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Thanks for the entry, Lucy! Lovely as always!

Just in case others were wondering, I'll be selecting the final entries for use on the site, not the contributors team as is usually the case, so I have invited our regular contributors to enter this challenge if they'd like.

e waveeeeeeeee    wheeeeeeeeeee   lucy   loveeeeeeeee   bravoooooooooo   fantastic     have to let you know i liked and commented     i have to use the back arrow   in and out      can't go from pic to pic         orrrrrrrrrrr    i have to go to home and go back to pics        its tiresome    when i did that before   all my likes were knocked out    it looked as though i didn't click like     

yep     too tiring  for me       bah humbug

So very beautiful. I have sat here ages, wondering how to put into words how amazing I think these are and I am found lacking  I think it's because your cookies are truly art, they evoke an emotional response, like a painting would. It's really quite incredible. 

Cookies Fantistique by Carol posted:

These are wonderful. Love the deer (hand painted, right?). You've chosen beautiful colors, too .

Thank you! Yes, piped silhouette in white, then handpainted. 

Marie - LilleKageHus posted:

So very beautiful. I have sat here ages, wondering how to put into words how amazing I think these are and I am found lacking  I think it's because your cookies are truly art, they evoke an emotional response, like a painting would. It's really quite incredible. 

Thank you, what a lovely comment!

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